Emergencies - 112
Fire Station - 085
Local Police Desk - Gran Alacant
Municipal Building - 965413792 (Monday to Friday 09:00 -
Local Police Station (Santa
Pola) - 092 / 96 541 11 03
Civil Guard - 062 / 96 541
12 90
Nacional Police - 091
Gran Alacant National Health
Service - 96 669 90 81
National Health Emergencies
(24hrs) Santa Pola - 96 541 29 40
Private Doctor's Surgery -
96 669 74 11 (Emergencies) - 608 666 455
Gran Alacant Dentist Dentimar
966 699 358
Gran Alacant Pharmacy - 96
669 74 71
Red Cross - 96 541 69 36
Aquagest (Monday to Friday
0800-2000) - 902 250 270
Aquagest (24hrs - Damages)
- 902 250 170 / 902 250 370
Iberdrola - 901 202 020
Suma - 96 529 20 36
Telefónica (24hrs)
- 1004
Gran Alacant International
Library - 96 669 71 10
Gran Alacant Municipal Office
- 96 669 77 49
Santa Pola Taxi - 96 541 11
Gran Alacant Tourist Office
- 965 078 579
Santa Pola Tourist Office
- 96 669 22 76 | 96 669 60 52
Urbaser (FREE Collection of
white goods) - 96 669 39 55
Alicante - 96 691 90 00